Embossing Data

Embossing Data

When embossing into a substrate using a die and a counterforce set, the image on the die, needs to be at least 3 times deeper than the thickness of the substrate. If the image cannot be made deeper than that, then to achieve the best effect and result, de-bossing instead of embossing is recommended.

Foil printing and embossing on a substrate can be achieved in 2 ways. One method is to have two dies made, one which is a standard 2 – 2½D flat die and the other is a standard 3D die. Hot foil print on the substrate using a flat die and then run it through in registration a second time using the 3D die. This method is ideal for short runs especially one off production runs. Another method is to have a single fluted combination die which will hot foil print and emboss in a single run through the press. Combination dies cost much more than standard
2 – 2½D flat Die and 3D die combined, but the saving comes through by reduced press time and labour. This method is ideal for longer print runs and work which involves repeat print runs.

Emboss Hands